The 2022 SCI Physiotherapy MOOC is now finished. Stay tuned for future MOOCs. x

Who are we?
We are healthcare professionals working in the area of spinal cord injuries from around the world.
What is ISCoS?
ISCoS stands for the International Spinal Cord Society. It is the international body representing healthcare professionals devoted to spinal cord injuries. It is a not-for-profit organisation committed to improving the care of people with spinal cord injuries around the world. It oversees the courses. Go to this URL to see details -
Does ISCoS profit from running these courses?
No, ISCoS does not make any money from running these courses. It runs these courses because it is committed to free education for all, and improving the lives of people with spinal cord injuries by ensuring a well-educated workforce.
Who are the course co-ordinators?
The course co-ordinators are members of ISCoS who have a combination of clinical and teaching experience. They volunteer their time and are not paid by ISCoS.
Who compiled the content?
The content of all the courses is based on This website contains free online learning modules. It was compiled by ISCoS.
Who else is involved in running these courses?
Each course may involve different organisations, universities and networks. For example, the co-ordinators of a course may receive salary support from their workplace to help run a course. In this case, the university would be acknowledged. Sometimes other organisations or networks may contribute in different ways.
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